Any person who supports the purposes of the Association who is of Hellenic background, or if not of Hellenic background is a philhellene, is eligible for membership.

All applications for membership must be considered by the Committee.

For those wishing to apply to become a member, please complete the details below.

For those wishing to renew your existing HAL membership, go here to login to your account page using your email address and password.

Ordinary Membership category

Ordinary members of the Association are persons who:

  • support the purposes of the Association; and
  • are admitted to practice law in an Australian jurisdiction.

Associate Membership category

You can become an Associate Member of the Association if you are:

  • under the age of 15 years;
  • a judge or judicial officer;
  • a law student, law graduate or paralegal;
  • a judges’ associate or other court official;
  • admitted to practice law in a jurisdiction other than an Australian jurisdiction;
  • a patent or trademark attorney;
  • a professional law teacher;
  • otherwise within a category of member as determined by special resolution at a general meeting.

An associate member is not eligible to vote but will have other rights as determined by the Committee or by special resolution at a general meeting and may attend the many interesting events that the Association organises throughout the year.

Membership Fees for 1 or 3 years

Those membership categories paying a $50 annual fee can now access a 3-year membership at the reduced rate of $125.

Those who pay their 3-year membership fee (where applicable) after 1 April 2024 will enjoy membership until 30 June 2027.

You can also join the Association for 1 year. The annual membership fee is $50 for Ordinary Members (Barristers and Solicitors), and Associate members who are patent or trademark attorneys, judges or judicial officers.

The annual membership fee is $20 for other Associate members.

Members and Associates who pay their 1-year membership fee after 1 April 2024 will enjoy membership until 30 June 2025. We would encourage you to apply for a 3-year membership where applicable.  Apart from receiving a reduced rate, this will cut administration workload and allow HAL to plan worthwhile events well into the future.

Membership Application

HAL New Membership Application

Apply to join Hellenic Australian Lawyers

Submit your application online. You will be notified on the progress of your application.

Please nominate your membership category and select your membership period.
Membership Dues *
Total Amount
Your Details for Hellenic Australian Lawyers
For example, barrister, solicitor, student, etc.
For example, name of chambers, university or school
For example, law firm, govt department, not for profit etc.
SELECT A CHAPTER AFFILIATION FROM THE LIST BELOW ONLY if you have selected the membership category "Associate - Foreign lawyer admitted to practise law in a jurisdiction other than Australia". Please select which state or territory chapter of HAL you wish to be affiliated to.
If you are not admitted to practise, select "not applicable" in the dropdown list.
If you are not admitted to practise, select "not applicable" in the dropdown list.
How did you learn about the Hellenic Australian Lawyers

Once you confirm, you will be transferred to another page to process your details.

Billing Name and Address